In AinurPOS, your customers can receive discounts: personal discounts on discount cards, one-time discounts on patterns, and cumulative. Discounts can be adjusted in the settings.
What types of discounts can be assigned in AinurPOS?
You can assign a discount for a specific product when creating or editing it. You can also assign a personal discount of any size to a specific customer when creating or editing his profile. The amount of discount that the cashier can provide to the customer is determined in the “Settings” section in the side menu, subsection “Discount”. It also determines the amount of cumulative discounts that customers can receive.

How to set up a cumulative discount system?
Go to the “Settings” section in the side menu, the “Discount” subsection. Here you can assign rules for cumulative discounts. For example, when a customer reaches the purchase amount of $5,000, a 2% discount on all products will be valid for him. You can define up to five values, upon reaching which the customer will receive a larger discount.

What discount amount can the store owner or cashier provide for the sale?
The cashier can offer a discount from the range set by the owner in the company profile – you can set up to five discount values there. The owner can sell the product at a discount of any size by applying the discount to the entire document or to one item.