In AinurPOS, you can import goods from Excel spreadsheets, catalogs, and other documents.
Go to the “Catalog” section and click “Import goods”.
Copy the products from your spreadsheet (Excel, Word, Google Docs, PDF, etc.) or just from the spreadsheet from the supplier’s website by pressing Ctrl+C. Back in AinurPOS, press Ctrl-V. All products will be loaded.
Select column names from the drop-down list. You can download the following data:
Name. The name of the product or service is a required column.
Group. You can immediately upload products and services to the desired group or subgroup. To do this, specify the full path in the cell with the separation “/”. If the group exists, the product will be created in it. If there is no group, it will be created.
Type. You can upload products and services from Excel to AinurPOS. The following values can be used to indicate the type:
The product can be specified with the words: product, p, inventory, inv, i, 1 — without taking into account the case and signs.
Service: service, service, serv, s, 0
Description. Description of the product or service.
Barcode. You can upload one or more barcodes to the product. Multiple barcodes are separated by a comma or a space.
Categories. If the item has several categories, use “,” as the separator.
Unit of measurement.
The sale price. The base selling price. Attention! In all columns with prices, all symbols except numeric ones are automatically discarded. The separator of the integer and fractional parts can be “,” and “.”.
Purchase price.
Minimum stock.
Weight goods. The product is marked by weight, if there is at least some value in the cell. Empty cell or 0 — the product is not weighted.
The product is at a free price. The product is marked as being sold at a free price, if there is at least some value in the cell. Empty cell or 0 — the product cannot be sold at a free price.
The supplier. Important! If no supplier is found by name, a new one will be created. The name of the supplier is case—sensitive. I.e., “Supplier” and “SUPPLIER” are different counterparties.
Expiration date. The date value is entered in the format: DD/MM/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY
Prices in each store. If the sale price in another store differs from the base, they can be set in separate columns.
Stock in the store. To enter the initial balances, you must specify them in the columns “Number in “Store Name”. After the import is completed, the registration documents for each store will be created. Important! In order for the cost price in AinurPOS to be correct, you need to specify the purchase price in the accounting documents. Thus, if you specify balances when importing, make sure that the “Purchase Price” column is set and matched.
If necessary, you can edit the values in the cells by double-clicking on the cells.
If you need to delete a row, for example, if the table header has been copied, you need to click the corresponding trash icon.
Updating product data
In AinurPOS, there are three possible scenarios for working with the import of goods from Excel.
Create and update.This mode is suitable for most cases. It will be created if the system does not find the imported product in your product database. If the product is found, it will be updated.
Only create. Only new products are processed. Existing ones in the database are ignored. If you have received a price list or invoice from a supplier and you need to add only new product items from it, choose this scenario.
Update only.The scenario is when from the entire price list, you need to update data only on products from your database. In this case, only existing products will be processed. No new ones will be created.
In order to separate the new products that need to be created from the products that need to be updated during import, six matching methods are used.
Automatically. If there is at least one product in the database that matches at least one of the matching parameters, it will be updated. If there are several such products, then one of them will be updated.
By ID. You can unload goods from AinurPOS. By selecting “Download to Excel” All columns”. The resulting file will contain a column “Product ID”. This method is more accurate because the matching takes place by a unique code.
By product code. A five-digit digital product code in AinurPOS.
By name. Attention! The exact name of the goods is compared. Symbols, spaces, and the case of letters affect the comparison. Thus, “Cheese” and “cheese” are different cheeses.
According to the SKU.
By barcode. If the product has several barcodes, the comparison takes place for any of them.
Automatic search works by default. If at least one value matches the data in the table: ID, product code, name, SKU, or barcode — such a product is considered to exist.
Important! After clicking the Import button, the process of searching and matching products begins. The duration of this process directly depends on the quantity of imported goods and goods in the database. In some cases, the browser may automatically issue alert messages about the need to refresh or close the page, because it believes that the page is frozen. We recommend waiting for the process to complete.
To speed up the process, we also recommend choosing not automatic matching, but matching by a specific field.
Hack! If for some reason, you do not need to update existing positions, but need to create duplicates of them, you can choose the method of matching by ID and specify an empty column for it.
Processing empty cells
If you have empty cells in the imported table, the import will ignore them by default. If you need to erase some data from the product in the database, turn on the Erase data if the cell is empty.
A few important notes on the work of import when updating data on the catalog:
The name is a required column. The name can only be changed. It cannot be erased.
When updating product data, all values of the matched columns are overwritten. If the product had several barcodes, and in the import the cell contains only one barcode, then as a result of the import the product will have only one barcode. The data is not supplemented.
Data such as the Product Code, Product ID, and Product Type are ignored and not overwritten when updating the data.
Each time an existing product is imported, stock adjustment documents will be created. As a result, the balances will be summed up with the current ones.
The groups are not edited. I.e., if you imported the product to “Alpha”, then by making a new import to “Betta” you will have two groups in the database: “Alpha” and “Betta”. After the second import, the product will simply be moved to the Betta group.
You cannot undo changes made via import from Excel.
Thus, you can quickly edit and add data about goods and services, and change prices and discounts, as well as stock, adjust goods.
You can check the added products in the Catalog section. If, for some reason, the data is not displayed, update the page.